Participation in the FEBU Exams is reserved to candidates trained or certified in an EBU member country. Participation is subject to eligibility; candidates meet one of the following criteria.

  • Final-year resident: Trained as part of an official national urology training programme.
  • Certified urologist: Holds a national urology specialist diploma.

The European Board Examinations in Urology consist of two parts:

Part 1 Written Exam.
Part 2 Oral Exam.

The timeframe between the Part 1 Written and Part 2 Oral Exam may not exceed five years. Candidates who pass the Part 2 Oral Exam receive the FEBU diploma and are granted the FEBU title.

A Fellow of the EBU (FEBU) is one who has met the educational, practice and peer review requirements set forth by the Examination Committee.
The FEBU title is recognised as Mark of Quality, an added qualification and asset to one’s CV and portfolio. It does not grant any rights to the beneficiary; it is not a license to practice urology.

Starting 2025, the FEBU title will be valid for a period of five years and subject to revalidation. Candidates who pass the FEBU Part 2 Oral Exam 2025 and onwards will be issued a diploma with a validity term of five years.
The revalidation process is based on Lifelong Learning and the collection of CME credits. In five years’ time, the urologist is expected to have registered 200 credits in the EU-ACME database.