International Fellow of the EBU Exams

The International Fellow of the EBU exams are open to urologists who are certified outside Europe and organised in cooperation with two national societies:
1. Egyptian Urological Association (EUA).
2. Urological Society of India (USI).
Participation is subject to eligibility. The participant is certified and holds a Urology Specialist diploma issued by the respective national authority.
The respective societies may define membership a prerequisite.

The International Fellow of the EBU exams consist of two parts:

The timeframe between the Part 1 and Part 2 may not exceed five years.

After passing the Part 2 Oral Exam the participant is awarded the Diploma International Fellow of the EBU and granted the title FEBU International.

The title FEBU International is considered a Mark of Quality and an added value to one’s CV. It has no legal standing and does not confer the right to practise urology.

Starting 2025, the International FEBU title will be valid for a period of five years and subject to revalidation. Candidates who pass the FEBU International Part 2 Oral Exam 2025 and onwards will be issued a diploma with a validity term of five years.
The revalidation process is based on Lifelong Learning and the collection of CME credits. In five years’ time, the title holder is expected to have registered 200 credits in the EU-ACME database.